Pakistan Current Affairs MCQs 2020
Who is the Current Chairman of Federal
Board of Revenue (FBR)?
A. Tariq Bajwa
B. Syed Shabbar Zaidi
C. Nausheen Javed Amjad✅
D. Rukhsana Yasmin
PM Imran Khan announced ___ billion
subsidy for Naya Pakistan Housing Scheme on 03rd April 2020?
A. Rs 55 billion
B. Rs 30 billion✅
C. Rs 15 billion
D. Rs 25 billion
Jang group’s chairman and publisher
passed away on 31 March 2020, what was his name?
A. Mir Khalil ur Rehman
B. Mir Javed ur Rehman✅
C. Mir Shakil ur Rehma
D. None of these
____ scientist in US developed
coronavirus testing device, which can give positive results in 5 minutes &
negative results in 13 minutes?
A. Indian
B. Pakistani✅
C. British
D. None of these
Squash Legend Azam Khan died at the age
of 95 on____?
A. 26 March 2020
B. 27 March 2020
C. 28 March 2020✅
D. 29 March 2020
Squash Lagend Azam Khan, had won the
British Open_____times between 1959 and 1962?
A. Three
B. Two
C. Four✅
D. Five
Squash legend Azam Khan dies of
coronavirus at 95 in_____?
A. United Kingdom✅
B. Pakistan
C. Spain
D. United States of America
Asian Development Bank (ADB) stated in
its report that the virus outbreak could cost Pakistan economy in the range
A. $16.3 million to $4.95 billion✅
B. $19.5 million to $6.6 billion
C. $20 million to $2 billion
S. $19 million to $1 billion
Pakistan decided to fly white Flag for
giving courage to Doctors, Nurses & medical staff on____?
A. Thursday, 26th March 2020
B. Friday, 27th March 2020✅
C. Wednesday, 25th March 2020
D. Monday, 23rd March 2020
Who has been appointed as Prime Minister
Imran Khan focal person on coronavirus?
A. Zafar mirza
B. Faisal Sultan✅
C. Babar Atta
D. None of these
China donates 500,000 surgical masks,
50,000 test kits to Pakistan on______?
A. 21 March 2020
B. 22 March 2020
C. 23 March 2020
D. 25 March 2020✅
Pakistan rank at ___ place in the
Heritage Foundation index 2020 of economic freedom?
A. 131
B. 133
C. 134
D. 135✅
Under which article of the constitution
and section, government of Pakistan deployed the troops in all four provinces?
A. Article 245 and Section 131 (A)✅
B. Article 230 and Section 135 (A)
C. Both
Rising Blue mural at Centrepoint in
Karachi has been designed by ____ artist Giuseppe Percivati.
A. German
B. French
C. Swiss
D. Italian✅
When the Sindh Govt. has imposed a
province-wide lockdown for 15 days in order to contain the spread of COVID-19?
A. On Mar 21, 2020
B. On Mar 23, 2020✅
C. On Mar 25, 2020
D. None of these
Which border was ordered to open by Prime
Minister Imran khan on 20th March, 2020, despite the global pandemic of
A. Chamman border✅
B. Wagah border
C. China border
D. All of above
Which Pakistani scientist has been
elected as Chair of Consultative Group of Experts (CGE) of United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change?
A. Arif Goheer✅
B. Waqar Hassan
C. Naeem Goheer
D. Akram Ghafoor
What is the Rank of Pakistan in World
Happiness Report 2020?
A. 68/156
B. 68/156
C. 66/156✅
D. 144/156
Pakistan took first structure adjustment
package from IMF during the regime of____in the year 1958?
A. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
B. Gen Ayub Khan✅
C. Gen Yahya Khan
D. Muhammad Ali Bogra
Sialkot-Lahore Motorway formally opens
for public on____?
A. 17th March 2020
B. 18th March 2020✅
C. 19th March 2020
D. 20th March 2020
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